
Naturopathic Doctor here on Long Island

If you’re looking for holistic, functional, alternative medicine, you’re in the right place!

Naturopathic Doctor, Dawn Siglain, is the owner of Wellness Matters in South Huntington/Melville where you can find true healing.  She specializes in Autoimmune Conditions, yet also sees patients for different ailments and uses various healing modalities for all ages from pediatrics to adults. Accepting new patients for Nutrition planning, Lifestyle counseling, Vitamin & mineral supplementation, Acupuncture, Reiki, Bio-Energy Healing, and IV Therapy/ Vitamin injections. All available for in-office, at-home, and telehealth visits.

About Wellness Matters

Welcome! Pleasure to connect with you and thank you for visiting my page.

I’m Dr. Dawn and I dedicate my life to my medicine and helping people restore their health because WELLNESS MATTERS!

Simply put, that was how my practice was born: Wellness Matters

It all matters. Our feelings, physical body, environment, connections with other beings, stress response, childhood, lifestyle choices, exercise routines, meals, beverages, the list goes on and on.

All of these factors affect us for better or worse. Ultimately our wellness is put in a position to thrive or suffer. This is where my services factor in. Wellness Matters offers Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Reiki  and much more.

The Essence of Naturopathic Medicine

A woman sitting on the ground in front of plants.

As a Naturopathic Doctor, I get to know my patients. Upon establishing care at Wellness Matters, I conduct a thorough medical intake during the initial appointment which lasts two hours. I am able to take the sum of all of the parts of someone’s life into consideration. I ask detailed questions in order to assess the person as a whole. I facilitate a conversation to guide each and every one of my patients back to wellness. I get to know my patients on a personal level and I mix that with my clinical perspective.

Naturopathic Medicine gets to the root cause of someone’s imbalance and restores vitality. That vitality is life and brings one back to optimal health. When it comes to the root cause of feeling unwell, there is no second guessing on how to help patients. The answer is right there.

Merging Eastern and Western Medicine

Wellness Matters has the unique ability to combine western and eastern medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine complements and even amplifies the western medicine philosophies of Naturopathic Medicine. Acupuncture has many modalities beyond needling such as cupping, Gua Sha, and acupressure  just to name a few. By doing a tongue and pulse diagnosis, I can identify where the body needs support and create the necessary healing treatment. There is an infrared sauna lamp to provide anti-inflammatory support. Acupuncture works on the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the nerves, eliminate pain, and decrease stress. By working on the meridians within the body, provides the opportunity for the body to heal at the cellular level. The benefits last beyond the office therapy.

A man and woman are being interviewed by an announcer.The Power of Energy Healing

Energy healing is another popular therapy offered at Wellness Matters. Humans are energetic beings pulsing through life. By using Reiki and Bio-Energy healing, alignment from within the body is tangible. They are both ancient forms of energy work. There are chakras and chords that create connections within us. Either they are free flowing or blocked. When there is a path for free-flowing energy that allows for growth and optimal health. However, when there is a blockage or a pulling force, it creates a harmful path within the body for stagnation and chronic disease to develop.

Experience the Serenity of Wellness Matters

Providing a serene environment to encourage stress relief is important. Pet therapy provides that caring touch and is very effective with my pediatric patients. Pet therapy can be arranged so please inquire within when booking your appointment. In addition to in-office and telehealth services, at-home acupuncture and energy healing is also available.

Services Offered at Wellness Matters

At Wellness Matters, we offer a comprehensive range of holistic, naturopathic, and functional medicine services tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Dr. Dawn, a dedicated naturopathic doctor, specializes in a blend of Western and Eastern medical practices, ensuring a holistic approach to wellness.


Naturopathic Medicine

Root Cause Analysis: Dive deep into understanding the root causes of imbalances in the body, paving the way for effective treatments.

Personalized Health Plans: Comprehensive plans encompassing nutrition, lifestyle habits, and proper supplementation.

Natural Remedies: Utilizing the power of nature to support healing and restore vitality.



Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Experience the benefits of a practice that complements and amplifies the philosophies of naturopathic medicine.

Various Modalities: Beyond just needling – treatments may include cupping, Gua Sha, and acupressure.

Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis: Essential diagnostic tools in TCM to create tailored healing treatments.

Infrared Sauna Lamp: Providing anti-inflammatory support and promoting relaxation.


Reiki and Bio-Energy Healing

Chakra Balancing: Ensuring the chakras, or energy centers in the body, are free-flowing and not blocked.

Alignment and Wellness: Achieve tangible alignment from within the body using these ancient energy work practices.

Optimal Health: Overcome stagnation and potential chronic disease through the power of energy healing.


Additional Services

Nutrition Planning: Tailored advice and guidance on dietary choices.

Lifestyle Counseling: Personalized recommendations on healthy habits and routines.

IV Therapy/Vitamin Injections: Direct infusion of vitamins and nutrients to support healing and wellness.


Reach Out for Your Healing Journey

At Wellness Matters, I meet my patients where they are at. I guide them towards health. It is imperative to provide healing at the physical, emotional and spiritual level at the proper time during their healing journey. I am here to help, heal and educate my patients about their own particular health needs.

I look forward to meeting you soon as I am accepting new patients at this time.

Please call to schedule your appointment today and embark on your own unique healing journey!

If you have any questions for Dr. Dawn please call to schedule your FREE 10-minute consult: 631.680.6624



Naturopathic Medicine

  • Nutritional counseling/ Meal planning
  • Lifestyle advice
  • Talk Therapy
  • Custom supplementation: Vitamin & Mineral Therapy
  • Homeopathy
  • Bach Remedy
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Pet Therapy

General Conditions

  • Autoimmune / Immune system support
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis/ Pain management
  • Anxiety, depression
  • Diabetes
  • GI support/ digestion
  • Heart Disease
  • Kidney
  • Pulmonary
  • Stress management
  • Women’s health / Infertility


315 Walt Whitman Road
Suite 210
South Huntington, NY 11746


(p) 631.680.6624 Direct line
(o) 631.470.9470 Office

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