Wellness Matters: Long Island Functional Medicine Practice Rooted in Naturopathic Medicine

Are you tired of feeling like just another number at the doctor’s office? Longing for a more personalized, patient-centered approach to healthcare? You’re not alone. Many people are turning to functional medicine for a fresh perspective on their health. Dr. Dawn Siglain ND, LAc of Wellness Matters is the Long Island functional medicine practice that can help you achieve optimal wellness by identifying and addressing the root causes of your health concerns using Naturopathic Medical principles.

A woman sitting at a table with some other people.

Long Island Functional Medicine: The Basics

Functional medicine zeroes in on the root cause of health issues, including chronic disease, instead of merely addressing symptoms. This holistic approach considers:

  • Your medical history
  • Your nutrition
  • Your lifestyle
  • Your environment
  • Your genetics

This makes functional medicine a truly personalized form of healthcare, with integrative and naturopathic medicine complementing its approach. Dr. Dawn offers combined care which means that she fosters communication with your team of healthcare practitioners to optimize your health.

Many patients in Long Island have embraced functional medicine, offering their patients a new way to address their health concerns and achieve optimal wellness.


Understanding Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is a comprehensive, patient-focused approach to healthcare that aims to identify the root cause of chronic diseases and imbalances. Functional medicine practitioners develop personalized treatment plans that tackle underlying health issues by considering each patient’s unique circumstances and overall health. This holistic approach combines the best of conventional medicine with natural treatments, emphasizing the importance of nutrition, lifestyle modifications, and a strong patient-practitioner partnership.

Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses on symptom management, functional medicine takes a proactive approach to healthcare. Functional medicine practitioners assist patients in attaining optimal health and preventing future imbalances by tackling the root cause of health issues. This comprehensive approach has made functional medicine increasingly popular among patients seeking a more personalized, holistic approach to their healthcare.


How Functional Medicine Differs from Conventional Medicine

Functional medicine stands apart from conventional medicine in several key ways. First and foremost, functional medicine emphasizes prevention and the importance of addressing the root cause of a patient’s health concerns. Functional medicine practitioners develop personalized treatment plans that tackle underlying health issues by examining the patient’s health from a holistic perspective.

In addition to its focus on prevention and root cause resolution, functional medicine also differs from conventional medicine in its approach to treatment. While conventional doctors often rely on prescription medications and invasive procedures, functional medicine practitioners prioritize results based on testing rather than just treating symptoms. This patient-centered approach has made functional medicine an increasingly popular choice for those seeking a more holistic, customized approach to healthcare.


Long Island Functional Medicine Practioners

A person sitting at a table writing on paper.

There are several types of practitioners who practice functional medicine on Long Island, including naturopathic doctors (ND) , medical doctors (MD), osteopathic doctors (DO) plus other designations. Each type of practitioner brings their unique perspective and expertise to the field, offering patients a wide range of options for achieving optimal health and wellness.  What separates NDs from other practitioners is that they are trained in root cause medicine and Dr. Dawn exclusively uses all-natural remedies for her patients. 


Naturopathic Doctors

Naturopathic doctors are healthcare professionals trained in natural therapies and functional medicine principles. Their holistic approach to patient care emphasizes the use of natural treatments to support the body’s innate healing processes, making them an excellent option for those seeking a more holistic approach to healthcare. Naturopathic doctors are educated in accredited naturopathic medical colleges and are experienced in diagnosing, preventing, and treating both acute and chronic illnesses.

In addition to their training in natural therapies, naturopathic doctors also prioritize patient education and empowerment. By working closely with their patients, naturopathic doctors such as Dr. Dawn Siglain ND, LAc , can help them develop a deeper understanding of their health and the factors that may be contributing to their imbalances. This collaborative approach encourages patients to take an active role in their healthcare, ultimately leading to better outcomes and improved overall well-being. 

MDs and DOs who practice functional medicine combine their conventional medical training with functional medicine principles to provide an approach to patient care. 

It’s important to note that not all medical doctors practicing functional medicine have the same level of training and expertise. When choosing the best functional medicine doctor, it’s essential to inquire about their specific training, experience, and approach to treatment. This will ensure that you find a practitioner who is well-equipped to address your unique health concerns and help you achieve optimal health and well-being.


Common Treatments and Testing for Long Island Functional Medicine Patients

A person sitting at a table writing on paper.

The Long Island functional medicine practitioners at Wellness Matters utilize a variety of treatments and testing methods to address their patients’ health concerns. Some of the most common treatments and tests include:

  • Comprehensive Bloodwork and analysis
  • Hormone panels
  • Microbiome testing
  • Cortisol / Adrenal functioning
  • Environmental Toxins 
  • Mold Exposure
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Organic Acids
  • Micronutrients
  • Heavy Metals
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Genetics

Functional medicine practitioners, also known as functional medicine doctors, can create personalized treatment plans to tackle the root cause of their patients’ health issues and promote optimal wellness by utilizing advanced diagnostic tools in their clinical practice.


Bloodwork Testing & Analysis

Bloodwork testing and analysis are essential components of functional medicine, as they can help us identify imbalances and deficiencies in our patients’ health. As functional medicine practitioners, we can understand our patients’ overall health and develop personalized treatment plans to fit their unique needs by analyzing different cells, chemicals, proteins, and other substances in the blood.

In addition to traditional blood tests, functional medicine practitioners at Wellness Matters may also utilize advanced diagnostic testing to further assess their patients’ health. These tests can include 24 cortisol testing, environmental toxins, mold exposure and toxicity, neurotransmitters, organic acids, micronutrients, heavy metals and food sensitivities. By using these advanced testing methods, functional medicine practitioners can offer a more comprehensive approach to patient care, ultimately leading to better outcomes and improved overall well-being.


Hormone Testing

Hormone testing is another crucial component of functional medicine. Hormones are chemical messengers that play a vital role in the proper functioning of various systems within the body. Imbalances in hormone levels can lead to a wide range of health issues, making it essential for functional medicine practitioners to assess and address these imbalances in their patients.

Functional medicine practitioners gain valuable insights into their patients’ hormonal health and develop targeted treatment plans addressing the root cause of their imbalances through hormone testing. This can lead to improved overall health and well-being, as hormones play a critical role in regulating various bodily processes, including metabolism, growth and development, and mood regulation.

Microbiome Testing

A person sitting at a table writing on paper.

Microbiome testing is another essential tool used by functional medicine practitioners to assess their patients’ gut health with a stool sample analysis. The gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem of bacteria and other microorganisms that play a crucial role in digestion, immune function, and overall health. Imbalances in the gut microbiome can lead to a variety of health issues, making it essential for functional medicine practitioners to evaluate and address these imbalances in their patients. 

Functional medicine practitioners can understand the health of their patients’ gut microbiome and develop personalized treatment plans to address any imbalances or deficiencies by conducting microbiome testing. By addressing the health of the gut microbiome, functional medicine practitioners can help their patients achieve optimal health and well-being, as a healthy gut is essential for overall wellness.

Dr. Dawn guides each patient through their specific needs if any of these specialty tests are needed. She places a huge emphasis on epigenetics which includes nutrition, lifestyle choices and environmental conditions that may be affecting genetics.  Testing may be used along the wellness journey to optimize healing.


Nutritional Supplements and Lifestyle Modifications

Nutritional supplements and lifestyle modifications are often recommended by functional medicine practitioners to support optimal health and address specific health concerns. Functional medicine practitioners assist their patients in addressing the root cause of their health issues and achieving lasting wellness by providing targeted nutritional support and recommending lifestyle changes.

In addition to nutritional supplements, functional medicine practitioners may also recommend:

  • Dietary changes
  • Exercise
  • Stress management
  • Other lifestyle modifications

By taking a comprehensive approach to patient care, most functional medicine practitioners can help their patients achieve optimal health and prevent future imbalances, ultimately leading to a better quality of life.


Finding the Right Long Island Functional Medicine Practitioner for You


A person sitting at a table writing on paper.

Finding the right functional medicine practitioner on Long Island is essential for achieving optimal health and well-being. With so many practitioners available, it can be challenging to know which one is the best fit for your unique needs. In the following sections, we’ll provide some guidance on how to find the right Long Island functional medicine practitioner for you.

Questions to Ask Your Potential Practitioner

As you evaluate potential functional medicine practitioners, ensure their qualifications, experience, and treatment approach align with your needs by asking the right questions. Some important questions to ask include:

  1. What qualifications, certifications, and other relevant information do you have in regards to functional medicine?
  2. What is your approach to treatment, and how does it differ from conventional medicine?
  3. What strategies do you use to incorporate nutrition and lifestyle changes into your treatment plans?
  4. What is your communication style, and how often will we have appointments?

By asking these questions, you can gain valuable insights into the practitioner’s experience, treatment approach, and communication style, ultimately helping you find the right functional medicine practitioner for your unique needs.


Get in Touch with Dr. Dawn to find out how functional medicine can benefit you.

A group of people standing around in a room.

If you’re ready to take control of your health and experience the benefits of functional medicine, we invite you to get in touch with Dr. Dawn, a functional medicine practitioner located in South Huntington, New York. With her extensive training and personalized approach to patient care, Dr. Dawn can help you achieve optimal health and wellness through functional medicine based in her Naturopathic Medical Training.

Call (631) 680-6624 to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards better health.


Key Takeaways

  • Wellness Matters offers personalized healthcare through Naturopathic and Functional Medicine, which focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic diseases.
  • We use advanced diagnostic tools such as bloodwork testing & analysis, hormone testing, microbiome testing and more to create individualized treatment plans.
  • Find the right practitioner for your needs by researching online directories or referrals from trusted individuals, asking questions about qualifications and experience, then contact Dr. Dawn on Long Island for a personalized approach to functional medicine care.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is a functional medicine doctor a real doctor?

Functional Medicine can refer to a broad range of practitioners, so always identify your doctors degree and training. Dr. Dawn holds her Doctoral Degree in Naturopathic Medicine and a Masters of Science Degree in Acupuncture with training in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the University of Bridgeport.


Is a functional medicine doctor worth the money?

Functional medicine doctors offer an integrative approach to health that looks at the root causes of your symptoms when you place your health in the hands of a Naturopathic Doctor like Dr. Dawn. Investing in this kind of care can be well worth it for both general conditions and chronic illnesses.


315 Walt Whitman Road
Suite 210
South Huntington, NY 11746


(p) 631.680.6624 Direct line
(o) 631.470.9470 Office

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