Your initial appointment with Dr. Dawn will include a comprehensive medical review which takes 2 hours. This intake includes a full medical history discussion, family history, review of systems, 24 hour diet recall, and anything pertinent that you, as a patient, want to discuss.
Please bring in any recent labwork or imaging. If you are currently taking any supplements bring them with you so that Dr. Dawn can adequately analyze the label for ingredients and quality.
Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into specific points or meridians along the body. Points are determined by the Acupuncturist by performing a tongue and pulse diagnosis. This diagnosis allows the assessment of the whole person as opposed to just the symptoms. The needles are about the diameter of a human hair which makes insertion of a needle essentially painless without discomfort. Pre-sterilized disposable needles are always used.
Appointments are available in-office or via telehealth by phone or video. You may request acupuncture if you choose. If we accept your insurance, then acupuncture is always included during your appointments.
At the end of your initial visit and all subsequent visits, you will leave with a health plan complete with recommendations. These recommendations are specific to the patient because Naturopathic Medicine is individualized care. The health plan will include nutrition, lifestyle habits and supplements. Here is the breakdown:
First and foremost, nutrition guidelines will be listed.
If meal planning is required, that will be discussed during a follow-up appointment as that takes time to create a full meal plan complete with recipes.
Next, you will have lifestyle recommendations which are daily habits to support healthy changes. Stress management, detox, movement therapy, or lymphatic drainage are just a few topics that may be addressed.
Last but not least, proper and quality supplements will be recommended. This can be done either clinically or need based on lab assessment. Naturopathic Doctors are trained in mineral and vitamin therapy; therefore, you will get the ultimate guidance as to what is necessary for your body. All supplements via the in-office and online dispensaries are third party tested and of the highest quality. Quality and proper supplementation is key to healing if it is required.
As a bonus, Dr. Dawn also offers Daily Affirmations. If this therapy resonates with a patient, she will write out a supportive phrase specific for them to say daily. Self-talk is a large part of healing. Guiding the patient towards positive self-talk is achieved by including daily affirmations as a daily habit to be spoken aloud and ultimately believed deep in their soul.
(p) 631.680.6624 Direct line
(o) 631.470.9470 Office
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