Ah the holidays, that time of year for cheer. But what if year after year, you just dread it. Just the thought of gatherings, holiday music and buying gifts gets your stomach into knots?

Maybe it’s time to face the real reason behind your holiday fear. Dealing with the root of unhappiness with circumstances is never the easy choice. But, it may be the option that alleviates holiday woes moving forward.

So, let’s dig in…

Holidays can bring up emotional stuff. Oh yes, I’m going way back to childhood. You may be missing members of your family, sentimental feelings make you mushy and sad, or it could be bad memories. Holidays can also bring up current muck. You’re not where you should be in your life with a job or relationship, grieving loss of a loved one, fighting with a family member and so on…

The thing about the holiday season is that it will pass. But guess what – next year it’s going to be back. You can choose to be sour the whole Cindy Lou Who season or you can choose to face the root cause of the holiday funk.

Facing your stuff requires work. Therapy. If you don’t know where to start, then ask. Think about a group setting or one-on-one. Heck do both and see which one you prefer. The sign that it’s working, is if you feel lighter after a session. Crying releases emotions stuck deep in your physical body and those tears are healing.

Get a proper nutritional analysis. Make sure your vitamin and mineral levels are adequate. Deficiency in B vitamins can leave your nerves unhinged. Vitamin D supports hormones. Amino acids can support your neurotransmitters. Inflammation can be a breeding ground for stress. Get healthy and maybe that weird Uncle wont get under your skin this year.

Maybe that deep hurt stems from family or just one member. Avoiding them all year, just made it heavy for you and now you want to vomit with the thought of seeing them. Are you letting negative energy bottle up? Is there someone you can finally tell your story to? That could be healing. Finding your voice may be the release to set you free this holiday season. Setting boundaries is huge. Maybe this is the year you choose friends who are family or you snuggle up solo by the fireplace. If it brings you peace, it is for you.

Buying gifts stressing you out? Our society has done an extraordinary job at marketing the holiday season and getting the shelves stocked with holiday hoop-la starting in July. Just remember that budgeting and living within your means will decrease stress. Saying no to the things beyond your means shows strength.

Cheers to you this holiday season! Make new memories. Hydrate and eat well. Fiber balances out blood sugar. Don’t let holiday parties compromise your health. Make self-care a priority and you may just find yourself singing holiday tunes in a whole new light!

Dr. Dawn Siglain, ND, LA is a compassionate Naturopathic Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist, & Reiki Practitioner who believes in the body’s innate ability to heal itself when treated with nature and understanding. Talk therapy is a useful tool for patient care. Combining both western and eastern modalities allows her to address patients’ needs in their own specific way. Finding the root cause of disease allows for true healing. Any questions please reach out: drdawn@wellnessmatters.care www.wellnessmatters.care. 631.680.6624 Follow me @drdawnnd @wellnessmattersny www.facebook.com/drdawnnd