Your Cells Are Thirsty

Your Cells Are Thirsty

H&W Article. When it comes to optimal health, you cannot overlook your body’s basic needs. As a Naturopathic Doctor, I believe in giving each of my patients the tools that they need to feel their best. Proper hydration is overlooked and misunderstood by a...
Daily Detox Tips

Daily Detox Tips

March 17, 2019 ET Week Media. As a Naturopathic Doctor, people often ask me, ‘How can I detox?’ My answer is always multi-faceted depending on the patient, yet with one empowering answer, ‘Right now & let me...
Genetics, Epigenetics and Breast Health

Genetics, Epigenetics and Breast Health

October 2020 ET Magazine. We are more than our genes. Our habits impact our health by having the ability to either turn on or off genes. These are called epigenetics. Overtime, nutrition, lifestyle choices, and our environment affect our health – for better or...
Allergy Natural Relief

Allergy Natural Relief

June 2021 ET Magazine. Allergy season is particularly complicated during a pandemic. Symptoms can leave you feeling sick, assuming you have something more serious than you do. Understanding the root cause of exacerbation of seasonal allergies can help you...